Kellyanne Conway’s estranged husband’s belongings are being sold on Ebay, daughter says
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Kellyanne Conway

Kellyanne Conway‘s daughter, Claudia, dropped a major bomb over the weekend when she announced on TikTok that her father, George, had walked out on the family. Now, the 16-year-old says she’s auctioning off all his belongings on Ebay.
“my dad dipping this morning saying he wants nothing to do with w our family and leaving for good,” 16-year-old Conway said in a TikTok video the other day.
When a fan commented that they hadn’t seen George in a while, Conway responded, “yeah me neither lol
In a followup TikTok video posted yesterday, Conway said she plans to sell off her father’s possessions to the highest bidder.
Modeling his clothing inside his walk-in closet, Conway stated her intention to auction off all her dad’s “shit on eBay,” including his prized collection of vaping cartridges.
“We got mint, menthol, and tobacco,” Claudia wrote. “Take your pick.
Donald Trump

Last week, Claudia turned her mother into a laughingstock when she posted a video of herself dancing to a Donald Trump diss track.about:blank
When Kellyanne realized she was being filmed, she looked very uncomfortable and quickly leapt up from where she was sitting. Moments later.
Neither Kellyanne nor George have commented on their marriage or any future plans for their family.